Telecom operators and equipment vendors have adopted outsourcing for more than decade seeking the following benefits :
Organization & Performance | Finance |
- Enhance effectiveness by focusing on what they do best
- Increase flexibility to meet changing telecom business conditions, services and technologies
- Increase product and service value and customer satisfaction
- Increase commitment and energy in non
- core areas
- Improve operating performance
- Improve management, control and risk management
- Acquire innovative ideas
| - Reduce investments in assets and free up these resources for other purposes
- Reduce costs through superior provider performance and the provider’s lower cost structure
- Turn fixed costs into variable costs
- Accelerate expansion by tapping into the provider’s developed capacity, processes, and systems
- Expand sales and production capacity during periods when such expansion could not be financed
NXT outsourcing resources and processes have brought entire satisfaction to our partners and clients given the high value brought to their operations. NXT is carrying
mutli-competencies multi-years outsourcing contracts thanks to the strong motivation of our resources, their professional attitude and their continuous performance improvement. As our 1st quality objective is to merge with clients processes, all NXT ressources could potentially be outsourced.